Friday, March 19, 2010

The Pain Continues....

No time to add pictures today, will do so later. I got stung three times last night by a huge mosquito. I felt him land on my arm, but was unable to beat him silly. Then he flew by my head a couple times before I retreated to my parent's room to sleep. =) He definitely won.

Then I woke up and my brother was here with his girlfriend. We took the bus to the MRT to the shopping center so that we could get my brother's computer looked at. Since, the shopping center wasn't open yet we decided to get something to eat. So we wandered around until we found some yummy breakfast foods. (I wish I had time for pictures, but I don't).
Then I was introduced to Mr. Donut. It's delicious. I wonder what the ingredients are in that thing - cause it's really chewy.

Then back to the shopping mall to drop of my brother's computer. Then MRT to central park where we wandered a bit and then headed to Hanshin Shopping Center where we were to meet my parents, but we waited there and played some cards. But then they called and said they weren't coming. So, we hopped back on the MRT and went to the harbor. There, we hopped on the ferry to the opposite little island. The ferry was about to leave and we were fumbling around for money, so they let us on the ferry (3 of us) with just paying for one. Yay! We rented bikes and rode around and climbed the light tower. The bike ride was pleasant. I'm kinda of retarded on a bike. Scuba, yes. Climb a rock, yes. Ride a bike, not so much. I lost my flip flop twice, but did well in general. Then headed back to the food area for some shaved ice and other goodies.

Back onto ferry and my mom picked us up on that side and took us back home. We went for a quick swim in the pool. So, in Taiwan, you are supposed to wear swim caps, but my mom didn't have three available for us. So, we ended up wearing shower caps. (Once again, I wish I had pictures to post.)

Then we cleaned up and went out to eat soup dumplings! Yum yum! My favorite!

Then we were supposed to head to acupuncture, but the doctor wasn't back yet, so we wandered the night market a little bit. We didn't eat because we had just eaten and nothing looked as appetizing as it would if you were hungry. Then off to get jabbed some more by needles and clobbered by elbows in my back. I can still feel the reverberation of the needles in my feet. And finally home.

Need to pack tonight. We are leaving for Cambodia at 5:30am sharp..and I'm still sleepy from the stupid mosquitoes.
Funny sign on the Ferry.

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