Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Mother of All Things Temple: Angkor Wat. Day 3: Afternoon

After a relaxing swim, back onto the bus (this time in my new pants!) and off to Angkor Wat. This place is huge, to say the least. And the crowds were huge as well. The temple met it's expectations. The only disappointment for us was that we wanted to see the bas relief titled "Churning of the Ocean of Milk", but the majority of it was being renovated and therefore was covered.
This poor monkey was wandering around searching for food. He found and apple. Then a tourist decided to touch him..and he bared his teeth and lumbered away.
At the top! Finally! There was about a half hour wait to get to the top funeral area of the king. I think I need to start building my tomb now, or else, it'll never get done.

Heart tree - it's actually 3 palm trees grouped together.
Monkey army...these bas reliefs were quite vicious.
Me and my mommy. =)
Heading into the main area of Angkor Wat.

Dinner then we had our full body massage at the spa that night. It was nice, not as painful as it usually is for me although I was still screaming in my head. We called it an early night as we were to be summoned bright and early to see the sunrise at Angkor Wat the next morning.

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