Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Good, The Bad and everything in between

In Taiwan now. Flight was okay. Sitting next to old chinese ladies is always a trip. They have no sense of personal space or they just don't care. I think my boobs got bumped, god knows how many times, because she just didn't care. But, it was a pleasant flight. Watched 5 movies. Came home and we stayed over at temple. They have puppies there! Well, not so much puppies anymore, but baby dogs. Super cute and rambunctious.
That day, I was taken to get my first acupuncture sesison. Let's say it wasn't that pleasant. The sticking didn't hurt, but the reverberating annoyance was...annoying. I don't know if I love it. And I'm not really sure it works, but like all things, I'm told "it doesn't work with just the first session, you have to stick with it". Well, it did relieve the soreness when the needle was first stuck in, I'll give you that. But, the soreness came back, which is why I feel like it didn't necessarily work. I'm supposed to go back and get stuck again on Friday, so, we'll see.

Then I was whisked away to the new office! I haven't seen the new office. It's nice that it doesn't smell like dead pigs anymore when you enter. =) My uncle has a dog there named Nikou. He's super cute poodle. Very energetic. They have him super clean though, so he's not allowed to run around outside and when it's the end of the day and he's had his "bath" he's not allowed to run on the floor, which is just kinda sad. He just sits there on top of cabinets, looking for someone to play with him. Super cute though. Another thing about the office is the fact that I don't have squatting toilets anymore! No more peeing on myself! It's grand. =)

Then I was whisked away to deep tissue massage or pain and terror, I call it. My body now feels like it got slammed by a truck. And I can't sit. Apparently, I've "fallen on my ass" too much and now I will have major problems for the rest of my life. My mom asked me if I slept during the massage and I said "no, I wanted to cry. It hurt to much to sleep."

Then we went to cut my hair. I had voiced the fact that I had wanted to cut my hair for awhile now. I'm talking short short short. So, we chopped my hair and we saved the hair for possible donation in the future. So, now I have a short bob. This lady was crazy. I have short chin length hair now, but she shampooed my head for like 20 minutes. Until my mom was like, I think that's enough.... Haha. But it's cheap and she's detail orientated, so you can't really complain.

Then, since it was the Buddha's birthday, my aunt's sister threw and event so we all went there to eat. It was a big celebration with a truck that transforms into a karoake station with lights and stuff. 10+ courses in food - all seafood. I was stuffed and starting to feel allergic. I think I'm developing an allergic reaction to shellfish, which is sad, cause I love shellfish. But, now it's just eaten in moderation for me.

Finally, they let me come home and zonk out.

Today was much more relaxed. Got up, went to the office for a bit, then came home to help my older brother pack his bags and then out to Japanese food for lunch. Tons and tons of sushi, but some really yummy fish as well. And super yummy desserts. Then drop him off on the train. And finally, internet to myself!

This was a hilarious sign I saw at the train station. Apparently, essentially a no parking sign - temporary stop zone, if you will.
Make of the sign what you will. I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the sign in the ladies room, where it asks you to please not stand on the toilet. =)

I'm keeping track: Mosquitoes: 3, Sandy: 0

And I get to see my brother tonight or tomorrow! Yay!

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