Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Meeting New People

Maybe I'm getting old, but meeting new people just get harder and harder. After much debate, I had put myself on match - considering, I work in a restaurant where I refuse to date co-workers and hours are....insane and then I hang with people I know, so no one new there. I don't drink, so bar scene is out.... Anyways, I went to meet up with a guy tonight. I have nicked named him "Lush". He didn't change my opinion of him tonight. 2 drinks on a Tuesday night. Maybe, I'm a prude because I don't drink, but it seems a lot to me. =) He was nice enough and there was not staggering or drunken remarks, so who is to day? I don't know. Maybe I'm getting old and cranky and picky. I should head to bed - early meeting tomorrow. Today's special dessert was Fruit Tarts. I was begged to make them...and so I did...and now, they want them forever. I should download pictures - one day.

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