Friday, July 15, 2011

India Day 8 - Bitchfest, Delhi

So, I haven't bitched too much lately in this blog, but I want to get a few things out now....
Number 1: Why do people not address me? Example, today, we got to sleep in and then eat the hotel breakfast. As we go down, I get my namaste at the door and then they let me walk in. Then my GUY friend walks in after me, he gets namaste and room number? And when I reply, they are a bit ataken back. Yes, I talk and think.
Another example: Tuk-tuk man: Where you goin'. Tuk-tuk? Me: No thank you. Tuk-tuk Man: *looks at guy friend* tuk-tuk? Ummm. I think I just said No, thank you...
The worse example is this: Walk into the restaurant...looks to the male to order - I can order my own food... We eat. Check comes, gives it to the guy. As I'm taking care of most of the bills and have a running tab, the check gets handed to me and I'm suddenly swarmed by waiters who "explain" the bill to me. Yes. I might not be the brightest bulb when it comes to math, but I do understand the bill.

Okay. That was bitchfest number 1. Number 2 will come in due course. So, we do have a leisurely breakfast buffet and then we even have enough time to chill in the hotel room until it's time for our first scheduled event - COOKING CLASS!

We go downstairs and get a cab. And here, is bitch number 2. NO CABS IN INDIA KNOW WHERE THEY ARE GOING. That's correct. I have yet to take a cab that knows where the hell I want to go. They all look confused, drive around like a chicken with their heads cut off. Ask random people, get lost, get stuck in traffic before finally getting me to my destination. Which irritates me more because it hits my greatest OCD...NOT BEING PROMPT. In all my planning and hard work, I have yet to be ON TIME for anything I've planned...grrrrrrr.

This time, was bad. This time, we were and hour and half late to the cooking class which was only supposed to be 3 hours long. And of course, they expect you to pay the meter...

Anyways, the lady was very nice and when we told her we only had and hour and half left, she pretty much went into break-neck speed to get everyone done. She was talking so fast and doing cooking a billion dishes at once and answering our questions. It was kind of impressive. Scary, but impressive. We got to eat a lot and learn special techniques and things like that. I won't share here, but if you are really nice, I'll cook for you.

Then, more cab bitching, as the lady called a cab for us...which, again, got lost and turned about even with her directions. She ended up making tea for us and sitting and chatting with us while waiting for the cab for 1 hour AFTER our class was over!

We finally make it home to meet with the choreography. We had to go to the hotel gym and ask permission to use their small yoga room. They looked at us weird, but did grant it to us. There is video - to be uploaded to fb later. It's so good to dance again! Yay. *twirl*

Our saree's also came. Why do they always make girl's clothes so you need help putting them on. Seriously. Jewelry as well. It should take ONE person, the one who's wearing it to put on the clothes.
Then more resting before we head out to do the Chandi Chowk Crazy Food Walk. We walk to the metro to take it to Chandi, but as we enter, we see a line a MILE long. It's almost out the door of males...apparently there was a loooong queue through security....

So, we went back outside and the 5 of us hop into ONE tuk tuk. Now, that was fun times! After being squished for who knows how long, the tuk tuk man says we have arrived and drops us off. However, we really haven't arrived...we asked around where the metro stop us and we are walking down one street then turning and walking down another before we find the metro. By now we are 20 minutes late and the guide is no where to be found. And of course, no phone to call him with. So, after we waited for about another 10 minutes, we thought we would just look around ourselves. No eating, cause it's one of those super shady places that yes, does have feces and trash everywhere. But we did shop the shady markets.

They don't seem to care of we buy or not. Unlike other places, there is no one calling at you to come into their store. And the few that we did go into, would not bargain with us. They just told us, "fixed price". We bought a few things and then this time - we grabbed 2 tuk tuk's and headed home for a real rest.
Scary mannequin kids.....*shiver*
Then it was time to get ready to go clubbing - third wedding event - Youngsters Party. It was at a club called Shiro, which was like an asian type club - think Tao in Las Vegas. The music was like Tao - sometimes good and sometimes bad. I wanted there to be go-go dancers, because what's better than that in a club? But this was more bar/restaurant like, so no go-go dancers. *sigh*
So, pictures speak a thousand words. See below. Dancing, eating, drinking. They let me have some sips! Yes, I'm a bit tipsy. Yes, I'm a light-weight. Now it's time to sleep...mmmmm, sleep...
Scarwee club!

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