I found the two things I wanted, a retarded looking elephant for my friend and India stamps for my collection. Everyone else shopped like crazy - for bangles and jewelry and knickknacks. My friend and I popped by the McDonald's to use the facilities as my tummy was still grumbly and I was sad to note that the McDonald's don't have unusual flavors of french fries - like curry or masala or something. I think that would have been cool and worth purchasing.
One of the begger children kept on asking us to buy her beads and even though we tried to just give her money, she didn't want the free offering, she says she's a business woman and is selling beads. She even returned coins I had dropped. So, we gave her all our coins - even my american pennies and such and she gave us a beaded necklace. Very cute.
Then, we took the tuk tuk to the big new fancy smancy mall in New Delhi - Saket Mall. We were looking for air-conditioning while waiting 5 or so more hours before we needed to head to the airport and we needed lunch. So, we didn't realize how far this place was and going by tuk tuk actually took awhile - my tuk tuk fell asleep and when we arrived, my brother had to come wake us up. =)
The food court here was odd. You had to pay for a card and you could only use the card to purchase food. Which was annoying, since we didn't need a card that you could refill as we were not coming back, so we tried to budget accordingly. I was having plain soup in the hopes my stomach would keep it down after not eating for a day and half essentially.
Sick people food....
Non-sick people food...
Very non-sick people food....
Then wander wander wander. Get some coffee, etc. Nothing much to report here as it's pretty much like any mega mall in America. There were some super cute stores - I love this store that caught my eye as I rode up the escalator.
Eventually, time was up, we went back to hotel, by cab this time! We do learn! Repacked our bags and headed to the airport.
Now, you think American security is bad? We arrive and in order to get into the building, you need to present your ID and ticket. You only get let into the building if your flight is open for check-in (about 2 hours). As I was leaving first and everyone just came with me, they were having problems being let in. And my brother's ticket was in Chinese and that didn't sit well with the officials either. One friend got sent to the "lounge" to wait until he could get into the building. I had heard later that other members of a different parties ended up bribing the officials to get into the airport.
Then while waiting to get my boarding pass, I was asked a series of questions, then got my pass and I waited outside until the last possible moment chatting with my friends. Then said good bye and headed in. So, security 1 at the door. Security 2 at check in. Security 3 at customs. Security 4 at x-ray machines for bags and mandatory pat-downs for everyone. The boys had their pat-downs in the open, the girls in curtained rooms. Then Security 5 - when you reach the gate, you get asked more security questions about your bags and what you did while in the airport. Security 6 - we all had our bags x-rayed again and we all got patted down again. Finally, boarding!
I'm in the middle again. To my right is this Indian woman who won't let go of her handbag. And every 15 minutes, she opens it and gets something out or puts something in or something. Which means, every 15 minutes, my arm gets whacked by her handbag straps.....Then to top it all off, I do managed to finally reach deep sleep when she shakes me awake because she didn't know how to turn off her tv screen.....
To my right is a very kind American-Indian boy. First year medical school. He went to do a medical camp or something in the Himalayas. He was quite flirty and excited and showed me all his pictures of everything they did and everything, then he learned my age and stopped talking as much. =) Yes, I'm old.
We get off and immigration is easy enough - except this time my immigration guy....didn't even really check out my identity! He spent about 5 minutes, chatting about me living in California and how he travels a lot around the world and how long I've lived in California and if I had a business card I could give him...... *shakes her head* I politely declined and went to get my bags for transfer.
This is where Continental really pissed me off. And I should have known better as they are merging with United. We get on the plane and sit for 20 minutes. The pilot comes online and says that there was maintence to be done on the plane and they needed to turn of the air conditioning. After about 30 minutes of all of us sitting with no air conditioning, the flight attendants say they can serve us half a cup of water or else they might "run out". Ummm. We haven't left the gate you, you can't get more if we "run out"? So, instead of giving us drinks, they just tell us all to de-boarding. About an hour later, we are told the plane is fixed....we were the first flight of the day, you would think you would do your pre-plane checks before you board everyone onto the plane....
To apologize they offer us "free headsets" to watch the two movies they were showing - which, were lame and I had my own headsets. Then told us, we couldn't buy lunch even though it was lunch time because they were only selling breakfast......and it doesn't end there.
We FINALLY arrive in LAX at terminal 5 where Continental parks it's plane. We are directed around all these windy hallways pointing to baggage claim where we end up at terminal 6, which is United's baggage claim. When we all get there, we hear an announcement that our bags are at terminal 5 (Continental) and that we should go outside and walk back to terminal 5 to get our bags......
All things considered, I'm home. Finally.
Things lost/broken on this trip- a tally:
1. Turtle luggage tags that I had JUST bought in Hawaii lost on the way to Delhi...
2. Sunglasses lost at the Taj Mahal
3. Cheap India bracelet lost at the Wedding Ceremony
4. Cheap India armlet that broke before I could even war it for the ceremony....
5. My phone! ><
6. My sanity.